Why Anchors Aweigh?

What is 'Anchors Aweigh'?
“Anchors Aweigh!” is a first-of-its-kind programme in Singapore, coupling a multi-use kit with a series of guidance videos for parents or caregivers to build the reading foundations of 3-6 year olds. To develop this, we applied our learnings from the Building Blocks programme which we had run for close to 590 parents of toddlers in Singapore.
“Anchors Aweigh!” launches off with a series of easy-to-understand videos covering 4 core pre-reading skills that parents can develop in their children. We will provide more follow-on content of easy how-to’s that all caregivers can refer to. Parents that purchase or (for low-income families) receive our “Anchors Aweigh!” Literacy@Home Starter Kit will have ready materials they can use as well as exclusive video content. If this is well received, we hope to sail into Phase 2, where we will create a series of high quality educational videos for children. This engaging content will aim to expose them to the alphabet, phonics and/or sight words, as well as captivating stories that teach important values like friendship, empathy and sharing!